The New "Buy and Hold" 2010 Top Stocks

Where we are now is a matter of great debate: Are we in recovery? Or is the depression deepening?

No one knows for sure. Investors stumble around in the dark, bumping into data and knocking over lamps. It would be nice if someone would turn on the lights. But that's not how it works.

The best we can do is to try make out the shapes of the biggest pieces of furniture in the room. What else is out there? We don't know.

Broadly speaking, the period we are in is deflationary. It is a period of credit contraction (at least in the private sector), de-leveraging and depression. How can we be sure? Well, let's turn on the lights...

Take a look at this chart, for example. What it shows is not a 'jobless recovery.' It shows no recovery at all.

Job Losses in Recessions

This slump is worse than any since World War II because it is correcting an expansion that dates all the way back to 1945! Credit began increasing right after the war. It kept increasing until 2007. Then, in the private sector, it began going the other way.

That trend continues.

Total Revolving Credit Outstanding

It makes sense from a theoretical point of view, too. Every big credit expansion is followed by a big credit contraction. As credit expands, more and more mistakes are made. You can see how this works by looking at the mortgage industry. The first borrowers were solid. Subsequent borrowers were not-so-solid, but they were still generally reliable. The last borrowers - at the height of the frenzy in 2006 - often had no jobs, no income, and no plausible way of repaying their mortgages. Those mistakes are now being corrected.

Overall, credit is still expanding - thanks to the US federal government. But credit is contracting sharply in the private sector...where it counts most. Business lending is falling at a 16.6% rate... the steepest plunge since 1948 (when businesses stopped borrowing for war production). But government borrowing is more than making up for the shortfall in private borrowing. Overall, credit- market debt is up 5.5% in the seven quarters since the business cycle peak in December 2007.

Private sector credit down. Public sector credit up. What to make of it?

We can presume that eventually the government will run into the same wall the private sector hit in 2007-09. Looking through the history of economic crises, so well documented for us by Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff, we see that crises in the private sector typically lead to crises in the public sector. As the private sector sobers up... the public sector goes on a spree. It won't be long before it, too, crashes and burns.

We can anticipate how this crash in public debt will come about. This passage, from a brief account of French financial history called The Undying Debt by Francois Velde, is a story of the past. It may also be a story from the future:

With the opening of hostilities [in WWI], the Bank of France suspended the link between francs and gold, and part of the war was financed with large issues of paper currency. When France's prime minister Poincare re-established the link in 1928, he could only do so at 20% of its pre- war parity.

In other words, the French got into a fix. They got out by defaulting on 80% of their obligations. The history of French financial management is not so different from that of any other nation. Time after time, France found itself a little short. And time after time, it defaulted...devalued...and reneged on its promises. Over nearly three centuries, a government debt equal to ten ounces of gold - with a present value of about �,850 - was reduced, says Velde, to �.20. That's about "enough to buy a café crème at the bistro on the way out from the Treasury."

(I don't know what bistro Velde is talking about. A café crème usually cost me twice as much!)

Returning to the image we led off with, investing is not just like trying to find your way through a room in the dark. It's like trying to find your way through a room in the dark...when the furniture is all moving! Trouble is, in the here and now there is so much furniture moving around, it is hard to make a move without tripping over something.

Under these conditions, I'm not sure we can come to any useful conclusions about how one price will move relative to the others. Which will go down most, the dollar or the euro? Will copper rise in dollars? Or fall against cotton? Will bond prices go up before they go down? We can't say.

But we can say that governments are very good at borrowing...and not so good at re-paying. So even if credit-contraction and deflation is the trend of the moment in US financial markets, government credit-creation is rapidly expanding...and that's inflationary.

That's why we are wary of government debt. We own no US Treasuries...or any other form of government obligation. Shorting US and European government bonds is probably a good speculative play.

Joel's Note: It is worth noting that Bill's last "Trade of the Decade" - buy gold/sell top stocks for 2010 - worked out rather well for those who listened. Stocks are, as we write, still in the red for the decade; and gold...well, you know how that's panned out. And with gold still over $1,000 LOWER than its all-time real high, there's still plenty of juice left to the upside. Nevertheless, our gold analyst has discovered a way you can own gold for as little as a penny per ounce...even if it rockets - as he fully expects it to - to $2,000 per ounce...and beyond.

And Bill continues with today's reckoning...

Now, here's some good news:

"US cattle herd falls to '58 levels."

That's good news because it means that maybe we'll be able to make some money from our scrawny 'sand fed' cows in Argentina. We bought the farm down there 4 years ago. Then, we had about 1,000 head. But we called in an expert - a tall, good-looking blond fellow named Juan Anderson. He told us to reduce the number of cows so they'd get enough to eat in our desert pastures. Now we're down to 600 cows. That leaves us with a crew of 7 gauchos with not enough work to do. So we're planting grapevines and walnut trees. Plus, we're going to build a masterpiece - a cottage of stone and adobe, with solar heating and a vaulted roof. But that project is for the future...stay tuned. In the meantime, we're trying to keep the gauchos busy...and hold down the losses.

Is this a good business model? Of course not. It's a hobby.

But there must be millions of hobby/businesses all over the world - marginal enterprises...struggling...barely making ends meet.

"Everything happens at the margin," said Keynes. A big, well-funded business, especially one with the government behind it, has the resources to survive a downturn. Even our little hobby business in Argentina can limp along for a few years - or until we go broke - whichever comes first. But there must be millions of other small entrepreneurs who are already at the end of their ropes. They can't get financing from banks. And they've run out of their own money. Every month the depression continues, more of these marginal businessmen must give up.

We have no statistics on this. Many of these small business people are not on the employment roles. They're entrepreneurs, not employees. So they don't get laid off...and don't get counted in the jobless figures; they never had jobs in the first place.

The official jobless numbers tell us that 10% of the workforce is unemployed. But here at The Daily Reckoning mobile headquarters, we don't believe any statistic...unless we twisted it ourselves. Even then, we have our doubts. What seems likely is that the number of people counted as 'jobless' understates the number of people who are not earning money the way they used to. That's why tax receipts are down...and why so many states are going broke.

Likewise, the latest statistics on housing were mixed - one up, one down. And now comes news that the number of used houses sold in December was disappointing - down 7.6% from a year before. The Washington Post says a housing recovery could take a decade. They're optimists at the Post. Most likely, there will be no recovery to Bubble-Era levels in our lifetimes.

Of course, that is not what the President of the United States of America thinks. He believes a recovery is underway...and that he can now take action to reduce the feds' stimulus. He's announced a partial spending freeze. This spending freeze is not exactly glacial. It's more like a spending breeze. Over the next 10 years it's expected to trim $250 billion from federal spending. Yet, the budget deficit for this year alone is $1.35 trillion. The cuts are negligible, in other words.

Just as we expected. The feds can talk the talk. But they can't walk the walk. Instead, they stumble from one error to a bigger one. From inciting a credit riot in the private sector...they've moved on to instigating a credit revolution in the public sector. When it is finally over...many nations will be broke...and the dollar will be worth a fraction of what it is worth today. What else could possibly happen? Well, nothing that we can see now. But there are always surprises, aren't there?

Most economists think the recession is over. And more investors think there is a bull market on Wall Street, and they expect it to continue. They are all going to be surprised. We are in a depression. It will cause 2010 top stocks market to fall again...probably pushing below their lows of March '09, down to the final bottom.

How can we be so sure? Well, we're not sure of anything. It's just an educated guess. Markets tend to oscillate between fear and greed over long periods of time. In the greed stage, credit generally expands. In the fear stage, it contracts. Obviously, there's a lot more to it than that. But people are -grosso modo - either optimistic and expansive or they are depressed and hunched over. When they are optimistic, asset prices rise...because they expect everything to get better. When they are depressed, asset prices fall...because they can't imagine that things will ever get better.

That's why August 1982 was such a great opportunity. BusinessWeek announced that the outlook for top stocks to buy was so bad it was the "Death of Equities." Death is about as bad as it gets. It couldn't get worse. So, it got better - a lot better, with stocks up 11 times over the next 20 years.

Then at the end of the '90s, a similar announcement was made about gold. We can't remember the source; perhaps it was Newsweek Magazine that pronounced gold 'dead' as an asset class. Then, what do you know? Gold rose from the dead and outperformed top stocks by five to one.

What's dead now? Hmmm... More below...

--- Outstanding Investments Gold Report ---

From Hulbert's No 1-Ranked Advisory Letter Over 5 Years, Our Most Shocking Forecast Yet...

GOLD $2,000

"I'm so sure gold will soar higher I'll even make you a guarantee... plus, I'll give you five entirely new ways to play the trend..."

"Including one hidden way to snap up gold... for less than one penny per ounce..."

How can that be possible?

And now, more thoughts...

What's so dead it's beginning to stink? The only thing we can think of is Japanese stocks. Every time we mention them, dear readers write to ask if we've lost our mind. The Japanese are growing old. They are up against not just a retirement crisis; they face extinction. They are not just figuratively dead...but literally dead. The government is headed toward monster debts...with no way to finance them. Already, they borrow more than a dollar for every dollar of tax receipts. Besides, the Chinese work cheaper. And the Chinese have the same technology...and the same access to capital...and a much bigger market.

As if to prove that Japan is dead, Toyota seems to have fouled up its accelerator mechanism. According to press reports, some Toyota automobiles go faster and faster even when you tell them not to. Drivers do not like that kind of insubordination. Only vulture lawyers do. So Toyota has had to shut down its assembly lines in order to mitigate the damages. So investors took a whack at Toyota shares yesterday; they fell 9%.

Is it the end of the road for Toyota...and for Japan?

Probably not. But we wait to see what happens...just like everyone else.

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