An Urgent Update On Our Latest Stocks Market

The timing was just right...
I'm referring to the urgent message we alerted you to just a few days ago.
In short, it's a way to win--two times--off a best stock for 2010 of tiny biotech.
Already, it has our readers profiting. In fact, this email just came in this morning:
"Aloha Ian,
... Got in at the open this morning and then the floor fell out thanks to {analyst} downgrade. Great call on this one. Even better timing. Touche.
Now look--there's still time to get in on this amazing, double-profit play. But not much, I can assure you.
Bottom line: Before you get back to whatever it was you were doing when you opened this email... I insist you read our new report...
...Because we're playing this trade like a fiddle, and it could put a lot of money in your pocket.
The announcement of these results -- and to say that it's highly anticipated is an understatement -- is over a drug that could cure one of the planet's most prolific diseases. A medical problem affecting nearly 20% of the world's population.
But before you get too excited, you should know something.
At this moment, the stock behind this announcement is running full throttle on a "hype machine" that could cost you your shirt if you were to jump in now...
... Which is why you absolutely must keep reading. You see, while everyone else takes the bait, we've uncovered a truly contrarian way to profit.
In fact, we've got 2 ways to win on this trade. And trust me, it's not what you think.
(It's the same aggressive kind of trade many of our readers made a killing on just a few weeks ago, when we brought you a unique way to profit as the U.S. Treasury bubble started to pop.)
Now you should also know this: 
Some "advisors" are charging upwards of $2,500 for access to this single biotech stock recommendation.
But in the pages below, you'll find out how we've "reverse-engineered" this trade -- in a bold and unusual way -- to max out the money you could make on this incredible play. All at a fraction of what others are charging for their "late-to-the-game" single recommendation.
Just weeks from now, the announcement I mentioned above will share the results of its FDA Phase 3 study...
... Which -- if positive -- could result in one tiny biotech company producing the best-selling drug in world history.
The drug has already passed Phase 1 and Phase 2 of its FDA clinical trials. And on, or before, April 2, the long-awaited test results will finally be revealed. (All indications point positive -- more on that below.)
It all centers on a medical problem the World Health Organization projects will affect more than 700 million people by 2015.
√ An epidemic that a Johns Hopkins School of Public Health study suggests will affect up to 86% of Americans by the year 2030.
√ An alarming health concern in which the percent of the U.S. population suffering from it grew from 13% to 31% in the last 4 decades, according to the National Center for Health statistics.
And the company looking to cure this epidemic? Well, to put it one way... While this medical problem isn't getting treatment from the drug itself just yet, it is getting a healthy treatment of mass media.
In classic "priming the pump" fashion, the epidemic I'm referring to got just the exposure it needed when NBC Nightly News ran a lead story on it. Not long after, CNBC ran a piece highlighting the drug's clinical study data.
The epidemic I'm referring to? In short, it's the...
"Wonder Cure" for Obesity
That's right... a drug that can cause weight loss, is completely safe for the heart, and has no side effects.
Its goal: to produce a minimum 5% loss of body weight for patients taking the drug.
Of course, word of this kind of drug being available is about as good as it gets for the roughly two-thirds of U.S. adults considered either overweight or obese. After all, this epidemic, along with its associated conditions and diseases, is responsible for about 9 percent of national health care spending, according to a U.S. Surgeon General's report.
What's more -- not a single drug available on the market today can cure this growing global epidemic. It has virtually no competition.
To catch you up on the drug's latest progress...
Two separate analyses -- conducted by independent safety monitors in a 2006 research study -- report this obesity drug to be safe, after both a six-month interval, and a year of follow-up.
And following the announcement on its Phase 3 data in a few weeks, the company expects the following to go down, in order:
A peer-reviewed presentation of its data at an undisclosed conference...
A new announcement of its revised data in the fall, and, finally...
Submission of its New Drug Application to the FDA sometime near the end of 2009.
Now while the FDA hasn't approved a true blockbuster drug in quite some time, it's not a stretch to say they're the one government agency that's actually on a roll...
In 2008, the FDA approved 24 first-of-a-kind drugs. That's up from a total of 18 in 2007, 22 in 2006 and 20 in 2005.
Truth is, this really could be the next blockbuster biotech play... bigger than the hottest-selling drugs of the last decade, combined... including Lipitor, Viagra and Zoloft.
Sounds good, right?
Not So Fast...
We all know biotech plays are notoriously speculative. And as you'll see below, the stock right now is trading at levels -- on hype alone -- that most certainly will send it spiraling downward... very soon. And that's 1 of the 2 ways we intend to take profits.
Now before we get into those 2 ways, a confession is in order.
Not only have we scrutinized this company like a hawk for the last 20 months... tracking its financials, technical setups, and volume... eyes peeled on every single test result, interview, and comparitive analysis...
We also traded it in the Small Cap Trading Pit portfolio in 2007. And we've been waiting, anxiously, to play it again... and max out its money-making potential.
But then something happened that's become all-too-familiar in our neck of the financial publishing woods...
A Classic "Price Spike"
It's simple, really. You see, the share price has been artificially inflated in advance of the FDA results announcement... riding a rogue wave of hype that's certain to come crashing down. Because when you see a stock moving like this -- on ZERO NEWS, no less -- a major red flag is being signaled.
Fact is, the stock is insanely overbought. It's "walking the talk," as they say.
Which means the share price has to come down. The profit takers will ensure it.  
What's more -- The "smart money" is getting ready to pounce... like lions circling an easy kill.
Traders are about to take their short positions in massive numbers, projecting the share price to take a hard fall. Make no mistake, they're already licking their chops, ready to load up on "put" options. They know -- as we do -- that the price run-up is bogus!
In fact, interest in shorting this play jumped from 11.9 million short positions to more than 12.7 million, in just a few weeks.
Now have a look at the same chart, but notice the "Bollinger Band"...
The Bollinger Band is an indicator I use heavily in my Options Trading Pit service. Here's a quick explanation:
When a share price continually touches the upper Bollinger Band, it's a strong signal that the best stock for 2010 is overbought... triggering a short signal with "put" options. On the other hand, when the share price continually touches the lower Bollinger Band, it's considered oversold, triggering a buy signal.
In this case, the Bollinger Band is screaming an overbought condition...
... Which is setting the stage for a remarkable opportunity for you to...
Win 2 Different Ways on this Trade!
It's too good to pass up.
Not only do we stand to profit on this company's inevitable downslide -- We expect to bank even bigger gains a second time.
Here's how we're doing it...
1. We'll play the "put" option, profiting as the best stock falls back down.
As I said, this stock has enjoyed an unrealistic, adrenalin-filled ride... and it's certain to retract. Understand, we'll let you know exactly when to pull the trigger and take your profits... all in just a few easy steps. Then, after your put option is closed, and you've taken your first round of profits...
2. We'll go long on the hot stocks market, and collect all the gains we can handle.
That's because we believe the announcement coming before April 2 will be nothing but positive. In fact, we have our targets set for an 80% near-term gain... and even triple-digit gains in the long term.
So right now you're asking yourself, "How are you so sure the stock price will go back down... and then up again?"
Let me prove it to you.
The "Double-Barreled" Prize: Profit Down, Profit Up

Again, the stock lies in an extremely overbought state, on hype and rampant speculation. It's completely unnatural, really... in what amounts to a media-driven bump. Remember -- and I can't emphasize this enough -- there is no real news to speak of yet.
Incredulously, in a sure sign of artificial run-up, the share price recently closed higher for 5 straight days... off an unbelievable surge in volume.
In fact, one day last week, $30 million worth of shares changed hands on this stock. And over the course of 6 trading days, about $123.44 million was spent, in what can only be regarded as a full-blown buying spree!
With all this activity--as I mentioned above--the share price rose above the upper Bollinger Band. And that alerted my team and I to an extremely bearish setup.
And when we detect a pattern above the upper Bollinger Band, we know we're dealing with an undecidedly overbought condition. We view this as a certain near-term reversal opportunity... one that could bank you a major profit pop.
The share price is up too much, too fast... and it will inevitably pull back as profit takers bank their gains.
Of course, they'll buy again on the pullback, which is precisely where we're going with this trade.
Long term, this fat-busting drug looks every bit a winner.
You see, the heavily hyped FDA results briefing coming up in a few weeks is to announce what we expect to be positive news from a 12- to 24-month "safety study."
It could indeed be the news investors are waiting for. But not before we've already taken our first round of gains off the stock's unnatural spike.
And by the time the FDA results come in -- with positive news from the Phase 3 trial -- we'll already be back in as the hot stock investment shoots for the sky. Still yet, there's...
  One More Profitable Possiblity
Looking beyond the safety study, the company's drug could be partnered with one of the major biotech companies... and the potential is mind-boggling. Given that the CDC reports 30% of Americans are obese, as compared to 14.6% in 1971, the market is obviously huge.
You see, the potential for annual sales in this market is $10-$15 billion. And with what they bring to the table, this small biotech company could be a serious buyout target. 
As I said, it's a company that could literally make a lifetime's fortune for some investors.
Keep in mind, though, approval of this drug won't happen until the end of 2009 or early 2010... assuming the results are positive.
So the window for profiting twice is wide open -- but only for the next few weeks.
Again, here's how it'll go down:
1. The top stocks investment will pull back from its artificially inflated top, allowing us to cash in on the downside with our "put" option play. Then...
2. On or before April 2, the stock will shoot up on positive results. To be sure, we'll have gotten in well before the herd.
Of course, this profit maneuver isn't for everyone.
It's only for those investors willing to take action immediately in order to capitalize on two separate occasions.
So if you're one of those investors...
Why Pay Thousands for this Level of Research? Especially Knowing You Can Pay Far Less... and Win 2X!
Frankly, it's all part of the Small Cap Trading Pit philosophy...
In short, we dominate the once-inscrutable small-cap sector by being first to the scene.
This is the sector where the real money is made... where every investor dreams of "hitting it big"... and where a stake of just a few thousand dollars could secure your entire retirement.
Ironically, most mainstream financial publications won't touch it with a 10-foot pole. And that just leaves more room for investors like us to tap into an incredible advantage. Put plainly, we detect these soon-to-be leaders of their industries among thousands of bottoms-up companies running on nothing more than rumor and fluff.
The reason for finding one outstanding small cap investment after another can be summed up in one word -- leverage.
And we use this leverage in the sector where index-crushing companies get their start. It's the birthplace of Fortune 500 leaders such as Cisco Systems, Best Buy, and even the #1 Fortune 500 company, Wal-Mart.
In fact, the 2007 Ibbotson yearbook, considered the bible of the investment analysis community, recently announced that since 1925, small caps have outperformed large caps by more than 21% a year!
What's even more eye-opening is that roughly just 1% of the companies in this sector ever make any money. But that handful of stocks launches so high, so fast, that it carries the entire sector's average above already-established large caps.
In fact, because of how the market's responding to the dollar, rising gold prices, and the collapse of the sub-prime sector, we've discovered what could be the most explosive opportunities yet.
All you have to do to begin sharing in the wealth is accept this simple invitation to join my group of investors and me.
Welcome to the Small Cap Trading Pit.
As the name implies, to keep leverage to a maximum, hardly a single opportunity will have a market cap higher than $500 million.
I know that might seem large, but in the investment world, it's really not. Just look at Wal-Mart's massive market cap of over $185 billion -- compared to the $205 million it started out with. The story's the same for scores of other Fortune 500 companies.
So if you're looking for an advisory that requires only a tiny bit of money to uncover the world's future blockbusters and make an absolute fortune, this is it. It's perhaps the fastest, most efficient way an investor can make several hundred -- even thousand -- percent gains.
Every other week, a new issue of SC Trading Pit enters email boxes across the world.
Each issue will explain all the details of our latest SC Trading Pit recommendations. These are the companies that my research team and I thoroughly examine using the same painstaking criteria that's brought me a loyal following -- year in, year out -- across the globe.
On top of that, you'll also receive the latest updates from the companies currently in the SC Trading Pit portfolio. You'll be among the first to know about any company updates, news, progress and deals that are coming down the pike.
And of course, with any stock my team and I recommend or sell (for a profit, of course), you'll know where to buy it, how much you stand to make, and most importantly, when to sell.
We'll also rush every new member a list of the secret criteria we personally use to find these companies. It's the easy-to-understand guide we call The Ten Maxims of Fortune.
That way, not only can you analyze for yourself the companies we recommend and test them to see how they match up... but you can also use this report to find hidden opportunities of your own.
What's more, this report can be adapted to help you determine the attractiveness and probability of success of virtually every hot stocks in the market.
It's yours FREE, as an added bonus just for joining SC Trading Pit.
I encourage you to print it out, keep a copy of it and use it for every opportunity you're considering, now and in the future.
And best of all...
You get all this for less than the cost of the Wall Street Journal.
As the trend goes, the more general a publication, the lower the price.
Take a look at some of the mainstream outlets. They're all extremely vague, big-picture and generalized. They run between $79 and $250 a year.
Don't get me wrong. We're not running them down at all. In fact, there's a copy of the Financial Times on the table as I write this letter. But the truth is, we don't care about a good chunk of what's in there.
It all concerns BIG business... and while it's valuable for reading up on any safe, already-established company, most truly wealthy investors have made the bulk of their money from the exact opposite.
That's why I created SC Trading Pit in the first place.
Now, typically, a highly specific service like SC Trading Pit would cost several thousand dollars a year. But we're not going to go anywhere near what our competitors charge.
The price for an annual membership in SC Trading Pit?
It's Only $99 a year.
That's right. An annual membership in SC Trading Pit is just a hair over $0.27 a day!
For that, you get the following:
Instant access to the Small Cap Trading Pit portfolio,
All the details of our new biotech recommendation, compiled in our new report: The Double-Barreled Biotech Profit Play (which includes step-by-step instructions on executing each of the two trades),
Investment Report #2: The 10 Maxims of Fortune
Plus, 26 information-packed issues detailing the opportunities in the explosive small cap sector, industry updates, and our latest stock recommendations.
My guarantee to you:
If for any reason SC Trading Pit doesn't match up to your expectations, simply let me know within the first 30 days, and I'll refund every penny. No questions asked!
That's about as good as I can make it.
But you'll need to act quickly, in order to profit two ways on the amazing new biotech trade we've brought to your attention here.
Advertising: Beauty & Style, Top Stocks Market

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