Reel Investing – The Secure Investment of Our Times

If you are a person looking to broaden your investment portfolio or even contemplating the possibility of beginning to invest, you need to consider the most overlooked investment opportunity of our time: INVESTING IN THE MOVIES!

It has been said, There is no business like show business, and what an understatement! Investments made in the movies are exceptional when compared to other more well known forms of investment. People have and are investing in very high risk investments (at a loss) all the time. How many times, in the past year alone, have you heard about people losing their hard earned money in the stock market, losing their homes or those who have lost their 401k and had made no other plans for their retirement?

All the ways in which our culture has understood and acted concerning investing our earnings; have turned to the down side and people are losing out.

Investments such as futures, stocks, real estate, precious stones, rental properties, and even gold can be very high risk. And while there is some risk in all investment opportunities, when it comes to investing in a movie, you are investing your money in the right place.

Just think for a moment about how many movies you have paid to view in the theater, at home, or on the internet. Remember back to your favorite movies from your youth or the movie you just watched last night. Now also think about how many people you know. How many movies have they paid to view? And do you know anyone who has never paid to view a movie? Of course you have not. Hollywood is not getting any smaller and ticket prices are not going down. And for every movie there are investors who make dividends from their investments.

Everyday people come home from work and turn on the television. Couples are continuously using the theater for date night and who does not love putting in a DVD and just relaxing at home. Movies are a permanent fixture in our culture and they are not going in any other direction but up. We as a nation love our celebrities and can not get enough. From the theater, DVD, blue ray, cable, national news, talk shows, magazines and newspapers we are all reminded and sold entertainment at every angle. So it only makes sense to invest in something that is permanent and tied so closely to every American and others the word over.

While we watch our economy continue to move and shift, those looking to invest their money in more secure venues need to seriously consider the movie industry.

Mark Dewey is The Provider of Information on Why to Invest in The Motion Picture Industry.

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