Hedge Fund VIPs, According to Goldman Sachs

Today is going to be Goldman Sachs (GS) day at FMMF. From its nearly perfect forecasting of monthly labor data (magically adjusting its figures 24 hours before it is released each month to "hit it on the nail"), to its new foray into buying warehouses so it can corner obtain more information about the base metal market (more on that later)... well, let's just say it's important to track the company that the entire US economy now revolves around. There was hope in late January that there would be actual regulation of the beast within our collective bellies... and immediately the entire market was taken down upon release of the Volcker Rules as Goldman was actually surprised about something for the first time in a long time (coincidence, I am sure). But as the banking lobbyists have now had time to rip to shreds any real changes educate lawmakers on how misguided this regulation is, we see Goldman is once more ramping. Our world is back to it's rightful nirvana state. (Click to enlarge)

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